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Why Good People Do Bad Things


40 mins + 20 mins questions

About the Presentation

In the current environment of uncertainty and change, today's leaders face a multitude of challenges which need to be navigated through with high levels of ethical integrity. Most of us assume that bad things are done by bad people and that the solution to ethical breaches is to increase deterrents and weed out the bad apples - but anecdotal evidence and research do not support the efficacy of such an approach.

History is littered with examples of good people who have unintentionally created unethical outcomes, who with the benefit of hindsight would have done things differently. This presentation will consider inter-disciplinary research from social psychology, criminology and neuro-cognitive science that shows why good people do bad things and, most important, how to avoid the traps and pitfalls that may derail your career and organization.


Dr Alistair Ping PhD

Dr Alistair Ping PhD
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